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Catherine the Great: Empress of Russia (Wicked History) by Zu Vincent (Hardcover - Mar 2009)

Was she really wicked?


Catherine the Great: Empress of Russia


Zu's biography from Scholastic/Franklin Watts for grades 6-9, Mar. 2009.


Read about this newest addition to the Wicked Series in the Booklist Review below!


The Wicked History series does a great job of introducing kids to some notorious names. The compact hardcovers don't sensationalize, but they make the point that their subjects are very ruthless people indeed. Catherine the Great might be causally known as a cruel dictator with lots of lovers, but author Vincent shows how the Empress of Russia actually took on her position (well, after she had her husband murdered) with some good intentions. Smart, unafraid, and well read, Catherine wanted to use the ideas of the Enlightenment to uplift Russia and its citizens. While able to make some improvements, palace intrigue as well as Catherine's own personality brought out her iron will. Young readers will find the manipulation of Catherine's early days particularly interesting. One of the best things about this series is the care that has been taken with the design and format. From the eye-catching covers to the solid maps and historical engravings and illustrations (all made to look of a piece, even though they may be from different sources), the books have pick-me-up appeal. Even kids who don't think they like history may change their minds when confronted with these.


— Ilene Cooper

TEACHERS: Catherine the Great: Empress of Russia

is part of the Wicked series of biographies of famous and infamous figures in history


• Directly correlated to social studies standards for middle and high school students


• Includes etchings, maps, photos, and primary source documents


• Back matter includes glossaries, timeline, biographical dictionaries